This is the third time I’ve taken on the annual 36 Days of Type challenge, and of course, every letter/number had to be space-related (again). For the letters, each one corresponds to a space-related term that starts with that letter. For the numbers, each one corresponds to a space-related term that includes that number in some way.
A is for Antares
B is for BE-4 Engine
C is for Cygnus
D is for Deep Space Network (DSN)
E is for Europa Clipper
F is for Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope
G is for GOES-T
H is for Human Spaceflight
I is for Ignition. Featuring an RS-25 Engine
J is for Jet. Featuring the X-59
K is for Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion
L is for Liftoff
M is for Mars 2020 Mission
N is for Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
O is for Orbit
P is for Psyche
Q is for Quantum (Eutelsat Quantum)
R is for Raptor Engine
S is for Skylab
T is for Terran R
U is for Ultraviolet Telescope. Featuring GALEX (Galaxy Evolution Explorer)
V is for Vanguard
W is for Waxing and Waning Crescent
X is for X-Ray Telescope. Featuring Chandra X-Ray Observatory
Y is for Ymir
Z is for Zarya Control Module
0 is for Zero-G Indicator
1 is for Artemis I
2 is for Juno II
3 is for Titan 3C
4 is for Crew-4
5 is for Saturn V
6 is for the 6th Planet from the Sun, Saturn
7 is for Nimbus-7
8 is for Landsat-8
9 is for Falcon 9