I took on the annual 36 Days of Type challenge and naturally I decided to make it space-themed. For the letters, each one corresponds to a space-related word that starts with that letter. For the numbers, I utilized bits and pieces of diagrams, press kits, and blueprints from the Apollo program.
A is for Apollo
B is for Booster
C is for Commercial Crew
D is for Dragon
E is for Earth
F is for Falcon Heavy
G is for Gemini
H is for Hubble
I is for International Space Station
J is for Juno
K is for Kuiper Belt
L is for Lunar Module
M is for Mars
N is for New Horizons
O is for Orion
P is for Parker Solar Probe
Q is for QuikSCAT
R is for Rocket
S is for Space Shuttle
T is for TESS
U is for United Launch Alliance
V is for Voyager
W is for Wavelength
X is for X-33
Y is for Yuri Gargarin
Z is for Zarya